Summer and End of Year Issue

Editors: Arielle and Reid (Grade 5)             Supervising Teacher: Ms. Ling



 Tis the End of School


By: Tiny (Grade 6)


Tis the end of school shout and play about

No care for homework no finding a pout

Everythings great so fine and so free

Your spirits doth soar so like a high tree

But what about all those fun school times?

The reason I can make up all these rhymes?

I’ll miss the people who have been friends for so long

The fun we had whether right or wrong

But wait what about the glorious summertime

Not missing school is that such a crime

Everyone is eventually going their separate way

Summer is spectacular while school is okay

And yet what about your work and your knowledge

The talents and skills that success into college

Summer is nice but school is your mind

Where you meet new people friends one of a kind

Farewell to you all does it take so long for a goodbye

Surely you’ll see them soon since your friends are close by

I don’t understand why is everything to amends

Things are happening around me I can’t comprehend

Because life comes along and as well does it go

Different places you must learn not with others spread woe

Farewell and goodbye to all of you in turn

Remember your feelings and what you must learn

Tis the end of school say goodbye to peers

Start a new journey face new life and your fears




Cops and Robbers

By: Imran (Grade 6)


Cops and Robbers is a great recces game to play with your friends . To play Cops and Robbers, you just need to follow a few simple rules. The goal of the game is for the cops team to capture all the robbers and prevent jailbreaks. In this article I will go over the rules so the next time you do not have away to spend your recces, you can remember Cops and Robbers and have a great time .  There are just a few simple rules to fallow to have a good time when playing Cops and Robbers.

They are: Jailbreaks, Hiding, and What happens when you are captured.



Jailbreaks can happen any time a member of the robbers team runs up and touches the jail. The ideal location for the jail is one that is accessible from all sides such as any of the picnic tables or benches in the north yard and any of the logs in the south yard. Once a jail break happens, all of the people in jail get a 10 second free walk. The opposing team (the cops) can have 1 jail guard for up to 5 prisoners. Once the number of prisoners is past 5, you are allowed 2 jail guards but no more.



Once you agree on teams, the cops have to close their eyes and count to 20. This gives the robbers a chance to find a good place to hide. Once you are hidden, you are allowed to move around to avoid capture. A good hiding spot is unnoticeable and you should make sure you can not be seen. Also, do not just look in one direction but be aware of your surroundings - someone might sneak up behind you. It is a bad idea to hide with one of your fellow robbers because the last thing you want is for you and your friend to be last two people on your team and both get caught.



Once you are caught you have to be escorted back you jail. One cop can only catch one robber. The cop first has to escort the robber back to jail before they can catch another. Once you are a prisoner, you are not allowed to struggle; otherwise, you might get hurt. The cop has to touch you for you to be caught.



1. Each team should have no more than 10 players on each team, otherwise it will get too confusing.

2. If the bell rings, every robber has to run and touch the same thing. For example, a log, tree, railing, or building. Everyone playing should agree on this place at the beginning of the game. The cops are, however, allowed to to guard the place and if they catch you before you touch, you are still caught. People who are in jail should still try to touch the object.





By: Micaela (Grade 5)

Have you ever eaten a cookie and wanted to change something about the recipe because it doesn’t taste quite right? Here’s your chance!!! Go on the internet or look in a cookbook and find a simple oatmeal, shortbread, or peanut butter cookie recipe. First make the dough. Then comes the fun part!!! Look in your cupboard or your fridge and find anything that you think will taste good in your cookies. I suggest chocolate chips; vanilla chips, peanut butter chips, and broken up chocolate bars but there is lots more options. Mix it in your dough, make balls of dough, butter a pan, pop it in the oven and voila!!!



 Talking With Blue Guy and Yellow Guy

By: Toni (Grade 4) 


- blue guy "check out the Hillcest News website!" 

- yellow guy "why?" 

- blue guy "because the Hillcrest News website rocks." 

- yellow guy "cool!"


- yellow guy "lets go now."

- blue guy "OK."


- And you should check it out too!  "Bye"




  A solar oven that a junior student made in the Solar Inventors Club with Ms.  Poffenroth.

My Forest


By: Lauren (Grade 6)


It’s a different land from what I know

land of trees stretching tall all around

here animals of all shapes and sizes live 

and where sometimes it’s so quiet you can’t hear a sound

I love this place, my home right now‘till school starts again this is where I belongI’ll miss this place when I leave for the city

When I can no longer hear the lark sing her songWhen the time comes to leave and I can no longer

Run around free, without coming home ever

My heart won’t feel right for part of it’s hereIn the forest, my home, my safe haven forever. 

I’ll miss you my love, my joy, my beautyWhat will I do when summer comes to an end?Thrive and grow while I’m gone my darling

Before long I’ll be back with more love to send.

Though in autumn your leaves will fall

And cold north winds will blow ‘round the bendIn spring your leaves will bloom lush and greenAnd then I’ll be back with you once again.



Grim Hill the Secret DeepensBook Review 

By: Larry (Grade 6)


     Grim  Hill the secret deepens is a fantastic book. It is the sequel to, the Secret of Grim Hill which was also an amazing book and I suggest you read it if you have not already.

     Grim Hill the secret deepens is about a girl named Cat Peters. After a soul shaking Halloween things are starting to get back to normal again for Cat but things get all worst again once her sister Sookie gets a magic kit for her birthday. Sookie starts a magic show, which becomes real popular in the town but then Cat finds out that Sookies tricks are not just illusions but is actually real magic and creates a deadly spell for the whole town.

     This book is just as great as the first book and you will easily get hooked on quickly. It talks a lot about magic, ancient Celts legends and creepy mysteries so if you like those type of books than you will certainly love this one.

     Grim Hill the Secret Deepens is written by Linda DeMeulemeester. The genre of this book is Fantasy Fiction. This book has 192 pages and was released on October 22 2009. This book is recommended for children in Grade 4 to Grade 6.

     Have fun reading!





By: Arielle and Reid (Grade 5)

We are happy to report that for years now, Ugly dolls are selling by the millions. Ugly dolls are cute little plush dolls created in 2001 by David Horvath and Sun-min Kim. It all started Sun-min returned to Korea and David started to send her I miss you letters with the ugly doll Wage at the bottom. Sun-min sewed wage into a plush doll and sent it to David. Then David asked Sun-min to sew a few more so he could sell them to the toy store Giant Robot in LA. They sold so fast that they had to make more. They started selling them at fairs and 4 years later they became the toy of the year. Did you know that the most famous ugly doll is Bebo. We hope in the future that ugly dolls will be as popular as they are today!   






What Kind Of Friend Are You?  


By Leda and Elyssa (Grade 6)

     1. What colour do you like most

a) Yellow, Red


b) Pink, Purple


2. Would you rather…

a)      Eat your hand


b)      Eat all your hair


3.  What’s your favorite store?

a)      Toys R Us       


b)      Tuitie Fruitie


4. What is your favorite animal?

a)      Dog


b)      Cat


5. What do you like to do more?

a) T.V


b)     Play out side with friends


If you picked mostly A you are a good friend.

If you picked mostly B you are a friend that is always there for another friend.




This is a picture of a flower that a Kindergarten students in Mr. Ives' class grew.

This is a flower that a kindergardener made in art


This is a poem called, "I Love the Flowers" that Mrs. Schwartz' Grade 1 class made.

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