November 2011 Issue


 By: Hayley & Kyrstyn (Gr. 6)

The Grades 5 and 6 students went on a 2 night retreat to Camp White Pine in September.  Have you ever thought about what Camp White Pine was like?  Or what people thought about it? Well, we asked some teachers and students what they thought of the camp, and asked them to rate it out of 5 so if you didn’t go you get a sense of the place.

An interview with Ms. Wilson

Q: What did you think of the camp when you first got there?

A: “I was impressed by the place!”

Q: What was your favourite activity?   

A: Ropes”

Q: What was your favourite meal?

A: “The pasta and garlic bread was good”

Q: What was your favourite experience?

A: “Seeing a deer and getting to know the grade fives”

Q: What would you rate the camp out of 5 stars?     


An interview with Mr. McKeown  

Q: What did you think of the camp when you first got there?

A: “BIG’’

Q: What was your favourite activity?

A: “The dance party was fun’’

Q: What was your favourite meal?

A: “Burger and Fries’’

Q: What was your favourite experience?

A: “The northern lights and watching the kids doing the high swing and facing there fears’’

Q: What would you rate the camp out of 5 stars?


An interview with Number (Gr. 6) 

Q: What did you think of the camp when you first got there?

A: “I thought the camp looked big and awesome”

Q: What was your favourite activity?

A: “The biking”

Q: What was your favourite meal?

A: “The hamburgers and hotdogs”

Q: What was your favourite experience?

A: “Seeing the northern lights”

Q: What would you rate the camp out of 5 stars?


An interview with Amy (Gr. 6)  

Q: What did you think of the camp when you first got there?

A: “I felt like I was in the country”

Q: What was your favourite activity?

A: “The biking”

Q: What was your favourite meal?

A: “Pasta and garlic bread’’

Q: What was your favourite experience?

A: “Seeing the northern lights”

Q: What would you rate the camp out of five stars?


An interview with Amy (Gr. 5)  

Q: What did you think of the camp when you got there?

A: “I thought it would be tiring’’

Q: What was your favourite activity?

A: “Biking’’ 

Q: What was your favourite meal?

A: Cereal’’

Q: What was your favourite experience?

A: The camp fires”

Q: What would you rate the camp out of 5 stars?


An interview with Connor (Gr. 5)   

Q: What did you think of the camp when you first got there?
A: “It looked very nice”

Q: What was your favourite activity?

A: The hike”

Q: What was your favourite meal?

A: I loved all the meals”

Q: What was your favourite experience?

A: “Biking”

Q: What would you rate the camp out of 5 stars




Poem by Kielan (Gr.5)

Crackling, Sizzling, Embers, Sparks

Flying through the air

Flames jump like a billion dancers

Beautiful, mystical


Smoke billows up with the strength of a thousand bulls

The flames grow higher and higher

Until they illuminate everything

In a wall of fire


All this inside my fireplace


Room 107 - Who's in Kindergarten?

 Room 206 - Colour Patterns

Room 201 - Different Views  

Room 201 - Sillouetes

 Room 107 - Pictures

 Room 103 - Culture Boxes


 Room 205 - Self Portraits

 Room 102 - Fall Leaves




Photo Journalists

Emily D. and Chloe (Gr. 5) 

Terry Fox Run 

Grade 6 - Room 213

 Remember the Soldiers

By: Emma (Gr. 5)

Remember all the soldiers that died

And the ones who survived.

Remember all the sacrificed lives

And the ones who fought to save us.

Wear your poppies with all your pride

To symbolize your hope for the soldiers that fought.


By: Juliet & Caitlin (Gr.6)

Halloween Fun!

Halloween is the time for fun, the time to get lots of candy, go from house to house saying “TRICK OR TREAT!”, and then time to dress up. 

How Halloween Started…

The Halloween Traditions observed on October 31 had their beginnings long, long ago. They came from the beliefs of the druids. The druids believed that witches, demons, and spirits of the dead roamed the earth on the night of November 1. Bonfires were lit to keep the bad spirits away. To protect themselves from the mean tricks of the bad spirits, they made them good things to eat. They also disguised themselves, that way the spirits would think the druids belonged to their own evil kind. Surely the spirits would not harm members of their own group! Or so the druids thought. That’s why we celebrate Halloween by playing "trick or treat," dressing up in costumes, and wearing masks.

Some costumes you might see on Halloween…..

-          Dead Alice

-          Rock stars

-          Wine Bottle

-          Greek Goddess

-          Michael Jackson

-          A Banana

-          Mario

-          Luigi

-          Show Girls

Halloween Riddle

What has webbed feet, feathers, fangs and goes quack-quack?

                         Answer in December Issue


Favourite Recipes: 

Roasted Salted Pumpkin Seeds

By: Tatiana (Gr. 6)

·      Pumpkin seeds

·      Olive oil

·      Sea salt

Preparation:  Pan-roast seeds in a hot cast-iron skillet until they puff up (stir constantly so they don’t get too dark), then drizzle with a little olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt.

Apple Cider Cupcakes Recipe

By: Tatiana (Gr. 6)

 Click on the file to view the recipe!



How Teachers Celebrate Thanksgiving 

                    By: Samantha and Fiona (Gr. 6)

1.               Mr. Brinsmead- His family gets together and eats a lot of turkey to celebrate.

2.    Ms. Ruiz- She ears deep fries turkey dinner.  

3.             Mr. Tilly- Gives thank you cards to all of his friends.

4.     Mrs. Kouvaris- Eats dinner with her family.

5.     Mrs. Morris- Has a family gathering.

6.     Linda C.- Eats turkey dinner with her family and eats pie. 

7.             Mr. Sternberg- Has a special dinner with his family and they talk about what they are thankful for and sometimes depending on who’s playing they watch football.  

8.     Mr. Roblin- Drives to Ottawa.

9.    Ms. Ling- Did something very special this year...She got married! Congratulations Mrs. Lee!


 Camp White Pine: 

The Mystery Beyond The Gate (Part 1)

By: Theadora (Gr. 6)

  As the wind whistled through the trees and the moon reflected on the calm waters, a man yells for help as he is trapped under a pile of rubble. How did he get trapped and is someone trying to destroy the one person who knows something about a secret that could change man kind?

  It is the first day of summer and there is much work to be done before the campers arrive.

  Every morning Andrew Claw wakes up and goes for a jog around camp, while he listens to his favorite tunes on his iPod. But on this jog he decided to go beyond the gates. Once he reached the road that led to the highway he turned around and headed back. Before he reached the gates that entered the camp he saw a ring sticking out of a pile of rubble. Could it be the very same man that went missing two years ago? As I looked at the ring I realize that it was one of the evil henchmen of Draco de Angelo. Angelo used to be one of the top agents working for the CSI(Camp Security International) Draco used to be my unit head when I was a boy. As a matter of fact he taught me everything I know today about being a good agent. When they took him away I was devastated. But don’t get me wrong because after hearing that I was devastated might make you think that I’m on his side, but you’re wrong. The only reason that I was devastated was because he had been like a father to me. I mean we shared a special bond that no one could and I mean no one could take away. For all you people that find this story heartfelt, snap out of it because I’m about to tell you something that you never would think could happen to a person like me.

  It all happened 3 years after Draco was taken away.

  I had just started to learn that everything that Draco taught me was wrong. So as you can imagine I was pretty messed up. For a while I couldn’t tell which way was up and which way was down. To make matters worse about 5 days later I received a phone call from my uncle. He said that my parents were killed.

  At the funeral Draco showed up because he was good friends with my mother. He said he had something important to tell me. I could tell because he wore a very serious expression on his face. Apparently my anger decided to get the best of me. So I yelled as loud as I could “GO AWAY”. After I said that he turned and walked off into a cloud of dust and I never saw him again

  So here we are a dead body and a jacket. If I remember the symbol of a dragon should be on the ring. Yes its right their.

  As I look at the ring it looks a little different from the other rings I’ve seen. Could this be a descendant of the Uranus family?

Find out next time...



Poem by Kielan (Gr.5)


I close my eyes


The smell of glue sticks

The faint taste of blood lingering on my tongue (I have a loose tooth you know)

I hear coughing, sighing, exhaling and the scratching of pens against paper


I feel my desk, cold and hard it may be,

But it is my home for six and a half hours every day, five days a week

I rub my tongue against the back of my top teeth


Trucks zoom by outside

The sound reminds me of the static I hear on the IPod player in the car

I catch the scent my skin as I lean closely to my paper to write


I open my eyes


I see the random REGUALTOR J.F. PEACE FURNACE Co. LIMITED thing on the wall with a strange keyhole in the middle


All things part of my daily life.

 Room 207 - Illuminated names and acronyms


By: Eleanor and Tatiana (Gr. 6)

Q. What do you call a fish without an eye?

Q. What city has no people?

Q. What is in the middle of Paris?

Q. If you drop a yellow hat in the red sea, what does it become?

Q. What 11-letter English word does everyone pronounce incorrectly?

Q. What's black and white and red all over?

Q. What is bigger when it is upside down?

Q. What does every person have that they can always count on?

The first person to come in with the answer to one of the riddles will get mentioned in the next article. Good luck!



Are You a

Trickster or a Treater?

By: Theadora and Barbara (Gr. 6)                        

Do you have what it takes to get all the candy or the one who can pull off a good trick? In this survey you can find out if you have what it takes? Take the Quiz, you know you want to.

      1. On Halloween night what would your costume be?

a)   A Police man/woman

b)   A Criminal

c)   Other

2. Would you rather spend your time?

a)     T.P. a house

b)    Give out candy

c)    Read a book

3. In the future would you rather be:

a)                        prank shop owner

b)                        candy woman/man

c)                        other

What would you rather receive as a present?

a)                        silly string

b)                        candy

c)                        other

4. How do you carve your pumpkin for Halloween?

a)                         really scary

b)                         funny/silly

c)                         little bit of both

5. On Halloween What kind of candy would you prefer to get?

a)                         something gooey

b)                         all kinds of sour candy

c)                         all kinds of candy


If you answered mostly a's then you’re a trickster.

Mostly b's you’re a Treater!

But if you answered mostly c's then you’re a bit of both. 

Happy Halloween!!

Fall Colours Word Search

By: Eleanor and Tatiana (Gr. 6) 

Click on the file to view the Word Search!


Bitstrips Comic 

By: Karina (Gr. 6)  

Comic - Jack's Backyard by Karina.jpg Comic - Jack's Backyard by Karina.jpg
Size : 504.116 Kb
Type : jpg


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