December 2011 Issue


 Hillcrest -  Important dates

Winter Concert - Friday, December 14 - 7:00

Winter Break - December 26 2011 - January 6, 2012

Back to School - Monday, January 9, 2012

Why Parents Should Not and Should Tell Their Kids the Truth About Santa

By: Natalie (Gr.5)


Every parent usually tells their kids about Santa, but at the same time, some don’t the truth about Santa. Here are some reasons why your parents should and should not tell their kids the truth about Santa.

They should not because…..  

1.  Kids will have something look forward to each and every year!

2.    It’s a good way of inspiration.  Santa is a good person and a role model because he gives presents to kids who are good and deserving.


They should because…..

1.  If they don’t, the kids will probably believe in them for a long time, but when they find out that he is not real, it will break their hearts and dreams too. 

2.      Every Christmas, the kids will look forward to having Santa visit their house and giving them presents. But when they find out that Santa isn't real, it won’t be as much fun as it usually is for them.





Strings with Mr. Gunther

By: Karina (Gr.6)

Mr. Guenther teaches kids that want to play the bass, cello, viola and violin on Tuesdays and Fridays here at Hillcrest. I went to interview him to learn some interesting things about him.


1. Why did you want to be a strings teacher?

It happened by accident. I replaced my music teacher for 1 year but he never came back to our school.

2. What did you want to be when you were a child?

Psychology. After University I changed my mind and I did nothing but music since 1968.

3. What’s your favourite instrument?

I don’t have a favourite instrument.

4. What age were you when you started to play music?

I was 10 years old and now I was playing for 58 years.


A Winter Mystery

By: Emma C.  (Gr. 5)

One cold winter day a young boy around the age of 6, named Mathew, wiped the frost off of the window in his new house.  He looked through and saw his new neighbor.  That neighbors name was Morgan Vansloper.  To Mathew he looked like a wizard but his parents said “nonsense Mathew”.  Mathew just ignored them and kept on thinking that Morgan really was a wizard.

Every day Mathew would look out the window and every day Morgan would be there almost like he was watching Mathew.

The next day Mathew’s parents, Victoria and Sam, went out and left Mathew with a babysitter.  But Mathew was smart and was able to leave the house with out Ilene the babysitter noticing at all.  He was going to go to Morgan Vansloper’s house but he wasn’t sure why.  The next thing he new he was crawling through Morgan’s cat door.  He had spotted Morgan and just like a zombie Mathew zombie started walking closer and closer.  Suddenly Mathew felt alive again not like a zombie.  Mathew looked straight up and saw Morgan with a net in his hands.

To be continued…


Make Your Own Holiday Gifts

 By: Tatiana (Gr.6)

TEACUP CANDLES! You’ll need craft-store wicks, wax (or old candles) that can be melted down,  teacups, and maybe a fragrance or two. Pretty single teacups (with or without saucers) can often be found at thrift stores for less than a dollar. Melt the wax in a double boiler, add fragrance if desired, then support the wick standing in the teacup while carefully filling the cup with wax. As the wax cools, it will contract and form a well. You can add more melted wax of the same color or add a second shade. These are  fairly easy to make, but beware cups with obvious cracking; the hot wax may cause them to shatter.



Short Forms

By: Samantha and Caitlin (Gr.6)

Short forms are: LOL, ROFL, TTYL, and BRB


Question:  Teachers, do you know these shorts forms?

LOL: All the teachers know what lol means

ROFL: 2 teachers know what rofl means and 4 don’t

TTYL: 3 people know what ttyl means, and 3 people don’t

BRB: 3 people know what brb means and 3 people don’t

LOL is the most popular short form and the least popular short form is ROFL.

Word Search by Tatiana.doc Word Search by Tatiana.doc
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The Conductor’s End

By: Kielan (Gr.5)

Screams echoed off the walls as the conductor fell to the floor. The violins, violas, bases, and Cellos stopped abruptly to see their leader writhing in pain. People began running in all directions, some towards the conductor but most towards the exits in fear. Five minutes later George Vertron, the noted conductor, died calling out to his son who was not there.

“One shilling; get your paper here!

Scotland yards next case!

Accident or murder?

Death in London get all the details here!

Would you like a paper Sir?”

The aquiline features of a man came into view of the newspaper vendor.

                 “Yes I would.” said the man.

                The vendor didn’t normally pay attention to random costumers but this man seemed different. He pulled out one-pound. “Keep the change,” he said smoothly as he scooped up the newspaper in one hand and tossed the coin to the vendor with the other. The vendor couldn’t help but follow the man with his eyes as he strolled out of view.

As he turned the corner the man took off his beige trench coat, folded it neatly and slung it over his shoulder. He opened up the newspaper and read the headline, “Death in London, Accident or murder? Scotland Yard is on the hunt!"

“William,” he muttered under his breath. “Boy I hate Him!” The man started off at a smart pace towards the Scotland Yard building across the field.

“I wish to see Chief Detective Inspector William Lancton.”

“Identification.” said the woman at the front desk.

“Artimis Crouch, don’t you recognize me?”

 “Aren’t you supposed to be dead? Does William know you’re alive?”

               “Yes to the first and yes to the second. I’d like to see him.”

“How did you…”

“With difficulty, now let me see him.”

Within seconds he was striding down the hall toward a door that had two plaques on the front. The first said ‘William Lancton, Detective Inspector’. The second, a slightly newer plaque said ‘Chief of Scotland Yard’. The door was slightly ajar. Artimis lightly kicked it open to reveal a man sleeping with his head in his hat.

“Morning Sleeping Beauty.”

The man’s head shot upwards and his hand instinctively groped for his belt where Artimis knew he kept his revolver. “Artimis,” he said, frustrated but at the same time relieved.

“You started a case without me, your best detective?!”

“That is rather self-serving.”

“You are assigning me to the case!”

“But, but, but, but…” he said as he stood up from his chair and tripped on his briefcase.  His remarks of protest were stifled as Artimis Crouch stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.


Happy Holidays to all the families at Hillcrest! 




The Wizard of Oz:

Hillcrest School    Production    

By: Barbara (Gr. 6)

Let it be known that Dorothy and her friends will be coming to Hillcrest!!

Yes, it’s true this year we will be presenting the Wizard of Oz and this article will get you up to speed on all things Oz. We will be having interviews with some of our great Hillcrest actors.


Q: How did you feel when you first found out you got the part?

 Theadora/Oz: Excited

 Danielle/Dorothy: I was in shock

 Barbara/Glinda: So happy


Q: What is your favorite thing about your character?

 Thea/Oz: My lines

 Dani/Dorothy: Having lots of lines and being in the play

 Barbara/Glinda: I get to wear a big puffy dress

Q: What’s your favorite musical number in the play?

 Thea/Oz: None

 Dani/Dorothy: Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead and We’re Off to See the Wizard 

 Barbara/Glinda: Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Q: What is your favorite part about being in the play?

 Thea/Oz: Meeting new people

 Dani/Dorothy: Being with friends

 Barbara/Glinda: Getting on stage and saying my lines


I hope you enjoyed my article on the one…the only…






6 Tips on How to Prevent Sickness

By: Emily K. (Gr.5)


Avoid getting sick by:

1. Avoiding close contact to anyone whose sick and avoid close contact if you’re sick, try to avoid going places when your sick such as school, work and errands to help to prevent others from getting sick from you. So stay home when you’re sick.

2. Cover your mouth and nose whenever you cough and sneeze with a tissue or your arm if you cough or sneeze into your hand wash it immediately if possible.

3. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

4. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth because if you touch something germy and then your eyes nose or mouth the germs then go into your body and if you’re sick you could spread germs to others.

5. Drink a lot of water and other fluids adding a little lemon juice in your water to help balance your ph may be something you want to do also if you don’t like plain lemon water add some stevia extract for healthy lemonade.

6. Some good oils such as lavender and tea leaves will help you keep viruses away.


Knitting Tips

By: Fiona, Kyrstyn and Hayley

1.        This is a rhyme that might help you … In through the front door sneak around the back peek through the window and off comes Jack.

2.        Count your stitches so that you don’t add any. If you do add any stitches knit two stitches together which is called a double stitch.

3.        Start with a small amount of stitches until you are comfortable.

4.        Start out with a small project maybe a scarf (make it quite long).

5.        Always watch your knitting. Don’t look away unless you know you can knit without looking.

6.        If you want to do a hard knitting project follow a book or the internet.

7.        If you are getting distracted by people ask your teacher if it is alright to try knitting in your class to is if it helps.

8.        If you have skinny needles use skinny wool.

9.        If you have fat needles use fat wool. Unless you want your knitting to be loose

10.     Before you start knitting choose the colures you like and choose the right length. Depending on the project you are making.

11.     It is good if you take a class or classes to help with your knitting.

12.     Use knitting to help you concentrate

13.    HAVE A LOT OF FUN!!!!!!!

 Funny Tees

By Emily D. (Gr.5) and Charlotte (Gr.6)

The funny tees are from kids around the school.  There are numbers beside each photo.  Try and match the numbers to the names.  Good Luck Here is a list of the names of the kids who we took pictures of their t-shirts:

Rachel K.





Charlotte M.












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