Hillcrest News - November 2010 Issue 


Remembrance Day Word Search

By: Jonah and Alexander (Gr.5)


P  V  S  O  L  D  I  E  R  E  O  P  L

K  Z  W  T  B  Z  J  H  L  J  E  G  M

J  L  H  E  H  L  O  R  I  C  D  T  K

B  P  Q  B  P  G  U  K  N  O  L  R  N

S  V  U  A  W  W  U  A  Z  D  Q  E  M

R  P  U  T  M  F  R  O  Y  V  F  N  H

E  C  U  T  Q  B  L  D  F  S  W  C  E

N  M  W  L  M  D  P  A  S  O  H  H  V

O  M  U  E  A  O  E  E  N  D  Z  E  A

S  R  M  Y  P  V  N  I  X  D  W  S  R

I  E  N  P  A  D  A  R  R  E  E  Y  B

R  R  Y  H  A  C  Y  A  F  U  H  R  S

P  K  N  S  H  A  Q  W  Z  Q  B  Z  S















Remembrance Day

By: Theadora (Grade 5)

What is Remembrance Day? Why are poppies important? Why do we stand in silence? All these questions and others will be answered in this article.  Remembrance Day is the day where we remember all the solders that fought for a free country in World War Two.  But, we also remember all of the soldiers that died in Afghanistan for a better world.

     Why are poppies important? Poppies are important because they grew in Flanders Field and that’s where they buried all of the soldiers that died in the wars, either in past or present wars.

     Why do we stand in silence? We stand in silence to remember all those who fought for our lives. Why do people have to go to war?

People go to war because they want to fight for a better world.  In some countries, the 

government requires them to fight in the army for at least one year.

As the years pass, people start to forget the purpose of Remembrance Day, so that is why it is our job to keep the world from forgetting about Remembrance Day. Have you ever wondered what the world was like in the World War Two? If you do, there are a lot of ways that you can gain information. You could go to your local library and do some research from books, articles, or other print material.



Room 213's Halloween Festivities 


Halloween Costume Review

By: Barbara (Grade 5)

We had some fang-tastic costumes at our parade this year. We had so many super cool costumes it was hard to choose just a few! From sweet to scary they were all amazing.  So now take a look at just some of Hillcrest’s super cool costumes!




Silly Bands

By: Jeremy (Grade 4)

Silly Bandz are stretchy bands in different shapes. They grew popular in our school in mid-September. They are like rubber bands, but they are made of silicone-formed shapes such as, dinosaurs, zoo animals, cowboys, superheroes, symbols, pets, fantasy creatures, Dora the explorer, and more.  The first Silly Bandz sets were sold online in November 2008. Seven out of ten students who were surveyed in our school said they liked them.  Silly bands have been banned in many classrooms across Canada and the USA because they can be distracting to students. You can buy them at most toy stores. A pack of 24 costs $7.00. You can collect them and you can wear them. They have also been getting traded at our school. However, trading can lead to problems. Five out of ten students surveyed said they would not like to have Silly Bandz.  Silly Bandz are still ever-popular at our school.

Girls Basketball

                               By: Chloe and Emily. D (Grade 4)

     The team is up!  Congratulations to Mackenzie, Kyrstyn, Amy, Fiona, Hayley, Arielle, Alex, Tejja, Sofia, Karina, Eleanor, Bianca, Halley. These are the players that will represent Hillcrest when they go to their tournament on November 23rd.  The top two teams in the tournament will move on, but for the rest of the teams, the season will be over. Will the Hillcrest Tigers Girls Basketball team move on? Find out in the December issue! 



"The Amazing Art"

By Stacyan (Grade 4) 


By: Noah (Grade 6)

The volleyball season is starting up.  The team practices on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. It is a place to learn new things and meet new people. The players on the team are Xavier, Noah, Reid, Zev, Nicholas K., Isaac, Xhulio, Laurence, and Judah.  First, we play two exhibition games against Niagara Street P.S. Then we enter an all-day tournament against Dewson, Rolph Road, and Kimberly Beaches.  If we win at least two of three games, we move onto the quarterfinals, and after, the semifinals.  Wouldn’t that be amazing if Hillcrest made it all the way to the CITY FINALS? 
Come cheer on the Tigers at our volleyball tournament on Monday, November 22nd in the Hillcrest Gym.

Wrecking our Environment

By: Natalie and Emma (Grade 4)

Have you ever thought of things that are wrecking our environment?  Here are some examples you should be more aware of, such as:

-       Keeping lights on when not in use

-       Cutting down trees for items such as small toothpicks and paper items.

Here are some examples of what we can do to help our environment:

-       Turn off the lights when NOT in use!

-       Sort your litter in the right place (garbage and recycling)

-       Use a compost bin

     Hillcrest is an Eco-school and we are learning more too.  Green Team is helping with G.O.O.S paper bins (Good On Other Side).  The Green Team meets each week on Friday’s at lunch.  The environment needs your help and together, we can all do our part!

     But that is just a start. If you really want to help the environment, then you could do these at home and at school. At Hillcrest, we have Green Team lunch monitors to help you sort your garbage in the right place.

This is a landfill. 

Now that looks horrible!


Compost Bin 


What Do People Think About Remembrance Day?

By: Kyrstyn (Grade 5)

Jane thinks that Remembrance Day is cool because it remembers people in the war.  Sidney and Isabella think the flowers are beautiful.  Jaime feels sad for the people who died.  Mr. Roblin thinks on Remembrance Day it is very important that we remember the people that died.  Eleni thinks that Remembrance Day should be a day we remember people who died in the war.  Kai feels sad and grateful for all the people who went in the war for us. Danielle feels sad when she thinks about all the soldiers that died. She also thinks that it would rock if they just played a game of chess instead of war.   

What do you think about Remembrance Day?

 Hillcrest Remembrance Day Assembly Thursday, November 11th at 10:45am.

What Do People Think About Remembrance Day?

By: Kyrstyn (Grade 5)

While interviewing students around Hillcrest, here are some comments from around the school.  Jane thinks that Remembrance Day is cool because it remembers people in the war.  Sidney and Isabella think the flowers are beautiful.  Jaime feels sad for the people who died.  Mr. Roblin thinks on Remembrance Day it is very important that we remember the people that died.  Eleni thinks that Remembrance Day should be a day we remember people who died in the war.  Kai feels sad and grateful for all the people who went in the war for us.  Danielle feels sad when she thinks about all the soldiers that died. She also thinks that it would rock if they just played a game of chess instead of war. What do you think about Remembrance Day?  


 Who Will Win the 2010 Mayoral Election?

Mayoral Candidate 

- George Smitherman

Mayoral Candidate

- Joe Pantalone 


Mayoral Candidate 

- Rob Ford


By: Toni (Grade 5) and Emily K. (Grade 4) 

     We interviewed some students to see who they wanted to win the election. This is what they said.

     Laurence said, “I would vote for Joe Pantalone. But George Smitherman and Rob Ford are tied, so I would vote for George Smitherman. I don’t agree with some of the things that Rob Ford says he wants to do. ”  

     Bennett said, “I like Joe Pantalone but he is not doing very well, so I would vote for George Smitherman.”

On Monday 25th Rob Ford was elected Mayor of Toronto.  


Voting station at Hillcrest 


Ghost Woman

Poem by: Kielan (Grade 4)

Gliding through rooms alone

Hand outstretched, unaware of her


To and fro under the spangled rooftop.


Items in her way glow then mysteriously move out of her path

Giving her a road to walk on

Gliding through rooms as bystanders     show no sign of being intruded upon

Invisible, she will never be heard of till the right time.



By: Emily D. (Grade 4)


Winter is coming it is getting colder everyday.  I am going to give you a few hints on how to keep warm in the cold weather!

  1. You can stay by the fire
  2. You can drink some hot chocolate
  3. You can do winter sports
  4. You can dress in warm clothes
These are some ways you can keep warm!


Book Review: 

Hitchhikerʼs Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 

By: Luke (Grade 6)

Arthur Dent is not having a good day.  First his house is demolished, followed shortly by the earth.  Then, his best friend Ford has just told him that he happens to be an alien. Now, Arthur is huddled in a small ventilation shaft on an evil vogon spaceship with nothing but two towels and a small book with the words DONʼT PANIC on the cover.  The weekend has only just begun.  Thus begins a hilarious and creative romp through the galaxy. Written by Douglas Adams, the book Hitchhikerʼs Guide to the Galaxy is an enormously humourous and creative book.  I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to read a very funny book that has lots of aliens and mice in it.

  Touch Football

By: Reid (Grade 6)

     It was a great, but short season! After a month and a half of hard tryouts and practices, the Hillcrest Tigers Football Team entered in a one-day tournament in the middle of October at McMurrich P.S. The Tigers had a tough first game with a loss to McMurrich, but bounced back to a big win against Region Park. The team was now going into the last game to determine if they were going on to the next round, with high hopes.  The Tigers played a tough game against Huron Street by winning the first half, but couldn’t hold them in the second half. Even with a last second touchdown, it wasn’t enough to win. The Tigers lost by one touchdown, which sadly ended their season. The Tigers still had a great day! Special thanks to Mr. Sternberg for coaching a great team! Go Tigers!



By: Micaela, Noah, Arielle, and Rani (Grade 6)

#1: One Sunday night the king and the queen were having dinner in their round castle. Their kids were playing in the nursery. When they went to put them to bed they were gone! They asked the people who are often in the castle what they were doing to find out who took the kids. The cook said she was in the kitchen cooking with a very sharp knife. The gardener said he was in the garden. The maid said she was sweeping the corners and the mailman said he was delivering the mail to their house. Who took the kids?

#2: What’s black, white, and read all over?

#3: George’s mother has 3 children. One named April, and one named May. What is her other kid’s name?

#4: Every night Henry goes into his house, turns on the light, and goes to bed. One night he forgot to turn on the light. When he woke up he found a shipwreck in front of his house. Why?

#5: A rooster is sitting on the roof of a house. It lays an egg. Which way does the egg fall off?

We will be posting the answers in the next issue!


The Adventures of Artimus Crouch

and Albert Ellis

Crouch at Christmas Part 1 

By: Kielan (Grade 4)

         Hello, my name is Albert Ellis. I was a veteran in the Royal Air Force. I am now retired and live at 396A Oxford St.

 It was a foggy morning as I walked out of my flat. I was heading to 221B Baker St., the home of two gentlemen named Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson. Mr. Sherlock Holmes is a consulting detective and a smart one at that. It seems that they have gone off to Switzerland and last night about 12 o’clock midnight, 3 or 4 people burned down his flat. I was going to see what had become of those rooms.

After traveling about 10 minutes on a 4 wheeler, I arrived at the flat. It was almost down to ashes. After spending some time there, I decided to walk back to my flat. Suddenly a man tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and I saw a tall young man looking at me.

 “How do you do, Mr. Ellis? How was the last air battle? Why are you wearing the clothes you wore when your aircraft got shot down? You must have gotten into some trouble.”

“How do you know that I snuck clothes into the plane so I could change later? How do you know these are

clothes?  How do you know that I am part of the air force?  How do you know who the heck I am in the first place?”

 “Take it easy my friend. Those clothes have strap marks on the arms with a pattern of triangle, square, and square. That pattern was only used on parachute straps in World War One.  You must have been in the air force because you have parachute straps on and your ID card is under your jacket.”

 “When have you been looking inside my jacket?”

“I spotted it when the wind blew your jacket open. I could clearly see that the name on the card was Albert Ellis, Veteran, and Royal Air Force. It also said Pilot.”

 “Wow!” I said with astonishment.

 “Come with me Albert. We have to talk about something.” He said grabbing my arm.

“No! Why should I when I don’t even know who you are and what you want with me? And give me my arm back!”, I said pulling my arm away from his grasp.

 “My name is Artimus Crouch. You must come with me. It is a matter of life or death!”

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