March Issue

Editors: Arielle and Reid (Grade 5)      Supervising Teacher: Ms. Ling


Hillcrest Theatre Club Presents....   

Wednesday, April 14th at 6:30pm

Rehearsal Performances

Monday, April 12th at 1:00pm - JK/SK and Junior classes

Wednesday, April 14th at 9:15am - JK/SK and Primary classes


  Planning   Your  Birthday Party?

By: Lauren (Grade 6)

Birthday parties are a really cool way to celebrate another year of you being on the earth. Read this to find plenty of different party ideas from kids just like you and how to make your party the best one.

            So, before you do anything else you have to find a theme for your party. First you have to judge how much your family can afford and how much your parents can handle. Remember, they’re the ones running the party. For example if you’re going to invite a lot of kids you should think about having a party at a recreational centre that has people that run the party for you. If you’re parents don’t have a lot of money to spare you should probably have a home party which is cheaper. If you’re thinking about who to invite to your party first ask your parents how many people you’re allowed to invite. Then write down the names of your best friends, then your second–best, then your third–best and so on until you reach the limit or have no more friends to write down. Now comes the exiting part; finding a theme for your party. If you’re doing a home party think about things you enjoy. Maybe a favourite book series or movie. Maybe you love to cook or you always play soccer. Try basing your party on that. If you’re going to have your party at a recreational facility once again think about things you like to do and try to find a place that runs that activity. If you’re thinking of things to do at your home party try modifying activities that characters in your book or movie do. If you’re having a cooking or art party or something like that make sure the projects you do are fun but easy so that everyone can do them.


 The Hillcrest Swim Team

 By: Imran (Grade 6)

     Every Tuesday and Thursday mornings and Wednesdays at lunch, the Hillcrest swim team practices training for swim meets. So far, the team the has had four meets. The meets have been held at Brown Public School and at Keele Public School. Our team has also hosted a meet. The fourth meet was held at Harbord Collegiate. This meet was the preliminary meets. There are three meets over three days. The judges look at all the times over the days. They select the six fastest times and those six swimmers will move on to the city finals.


     The city finals will be held on April 13 at Riverdale Collegiate. Swimmers who come in first, second, or third place will receive a gold, silver, or bronze medal.  Swimmers who place fourth, fifth, or sixth place get a ribbon. The team also has a “Fun Meet” at St. Alban's Boys and Girls Club.


     The team is coached by the Lindas and Ms. Whitfield. The team has had the chance to purchase team sweaters and team bathing suits. The sweaters have the team logo - the tiger - on the front and “Swim Team” titles on the back.  Swimmers have the choice to put their name anywhere on the sweaters. The bathing suits just have the logo. If you have the commitment, then the swim team is the right team for you!


Solar Power Vehicles

By: Con (Grade 6)

     The grade 6’s are making solar power vehicles. The teachers wanted to do something fun and eco-friendly. There are lots of ideas floating around and I have some examples, like a car, a boat, a motorcycle, or just about anything. The only bad thing is that they only give you a small amount of things to start with and you have to get the rest on your own.                                 

  This is a mini solar powered car

The Americans Think They Didn't Win Silver, They Lost Gold 

(But Really They Didn't)    

By: Georgia (Grade 6)

     Some people will argue that at the final men's hockey game at the Olympics, the Americans ( who lost the game 3-2 in overtime ) should be happy because they got the silver medal. But in the Americans' eyes they failed to win the gold medal at the Olympics. I hope that in the future, they will come to see the silver medal in new light, and try to forget about losing gold. “In some ways it’s better to win bronze” says Toni in grade 4.  “ That way you win your last game.” In the short term, it’s probably better to win bronze because winning the game is still fresh in your mind. But in the long term, it’s better to win silver ( just for bragging purposes.) Jennifer Hiel, a ladies mogul skier who won silver told everybody the exact opposite.  She told the press, “I didn’t lose gold. I won silver.”  Which just goes to show you how different the two sports are. I talked a little bit about which medal is better - bronze or silver for hockey. Different people may choose either medal, considering the pros and cons. But I think it’s safe to say everyone would prefer gold.     








A girl and boy enjoying a spring day.



A girl having fun doing a handstand. 

Spring Fun! 

 4 friends having fun.


A girl enjoying the sunlight. 


 To give you some ideas in case you’re still at loss for what to do at your party I interviewed different students to tell me about their all-time favourite birthday parties. Claire in grade five’s favourite birthday party was when she turned eleven and went to the Just Bounce trampoline club. They bounced on the multiple trampolines there and then danced. Arielle who is also in grade five had a pirates party at home when she turned nine. She had a treasure hunt, tug-of-war, apple dunking and soccer game. Reid Kelly had a pool party when he turned ten. They swam at a pool and had a scavenger hunt. Larry Ying had a party at Rinx (a large recreational facility that has hundreds of activities to choose from for your party) when he turned twelve. They went bowling and played whirley ball.

            Now that you know what’s happening at your party and who you’re inviting it’s time to get organized. The more organized you are the funner your party will be. First of all you should write everything down. Make a list of who you’re inviting, the games you’re playing, teams if you need them and any other important information about your party you’ll need. Then look at your sheet and make a list of all the materials you’ll need including the food you’ll have if you’re not having your party at a place that provides it. Check off any items you already have and go out to buy the rest of it. Your party invitations should be given out at least a week in advance, preferably more. Make sure to include the five Ws; who, what, where, when and why. Also include an R.S.V.P. address; either a telephone number, email address or both. Write a rough copy of your invitation first and make sure you put all the necessary information on it. You should also put your address on it just in case. If your party is at a recreational facility you should include a map.

            Now that you know how to make a great party I hope you go out there and make your next one awsome!

3 friends sitting on the turf. 



Computer Games Ratings

By: Reid and Xavier (Grade 5)



            We have never had so much fun researching an article! For the past little while we have been playing a variety of computer games and deciding if they are good or not. The first game we played was Crush The Castle which is an extremely fun game! The object of the game is to destroy the castle with the catapult. We rate it E+10 and give it a 4 out of 5 stars. We recommend you play “players pack”. You can find it on  



     As our second game we chose RUBBLE TROUBLE, it is an amazing game made by and The object of the game is to use tools to destroy buildings. We rate it E and give it 5 out of 5 stars. You can find it on



     This was definitely our best game yet! For our third and final game we chose Double Edged. In this game you are a knight walking through a forest and you have to fight off evil knights. Every so often a big muscular will come and fight you. There are lots of levels so that equals lots of fun! We rate it E and give it 5 out of 5 stars. You can find it on


Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakuel

Movie Review


By: Fiona and Ellena (Grade 4)

    "Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakuel," was a very good movie because it was funny and enjoyable for all ages. We would recommend watching this movie because it’s a good movie for the whole family to watch together. The best part about the movie is when the chipmunks meet the chippets. The movie re-enters Ian Hawk to make the chippets movie stars so it’s like starting the chipmunks again but instead it's girl chipmunks. Ian Hawk is the man who makes the chipmunks stars but he is actually evil - "muah-ha-ha".   The chippets are the girl version of the chipmunks.   The chipmunks try to tell the chippets that Ian is evil but they don’t listen because he tells them a lie about the chipmunks. We give "Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakuel" two thumbs up!



Book   Review 

 By:Larry (Grade 6)

     The mysterious Benedict Society And The Prisoners Dilemma is the third book of the mysterious Benedict Society series. If you have read the first two books than you know who the main characters are going to be and what the book is going to be about. The four outstandingly gifted children Constance, Kate, Sticky and Reynie are living peacefully together in their leader Mr. Benedict’s house, but again Mr. Benedict’s evil twin brother curtain and his gang are back. This time curtain wants revenge on his brother and the society by kidnapping one of the members of the society and using his evil sneaky ideas to try and get his secret weapon that could threaten man kind back!

     The Mysterious Benedict Society And The Prisoners Dilemma is a great book. It is written by Trenton Lee Stuart and it has 391 pages. The book was published on October 6, 2009. I think that this book to the first book of the series which was one of the best books I have read is still not quite as good but is still definitely better than the second book. If you really liked the first and second book than you definitely have to read this book. If you have not read the series than I definitely recommend you to The Mysteries   Benedict Society series.The genre of this book is juvenile fiction.

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