QUIZ: Do You Think You Know Hillcrest?

By: Kystyn (Gr. 5) and Emily K. (Gr. 4)


1. Do you know how to spell the teachers names in room 206, 103, 216?

2. How many students are in grades 3, 4, and 5 in total?    

A) 140 B) 70 C) 138 D) 180

3. How many individual lunch tables are in the lunchroom?

4. How many rooms are on the second floor?         

A) 10 B) 13 C) 18 D) 20

5. How many water fountains are in the hallways?




Activities That The Primary Students And Their Teachers Do

By: Hayley and Fiona Grade 5



Ms. Bateman- a play (a mouse in the house), pajama day, and making cards

Ms. Sheinin- laughter yoga, snow globes, Menorahs, light and shadow, and pajama day

Ms. Peck- Scientist in the school, a play (a mouse in the house), Doctor in the school, community helpers came to visit, daycare, and yoga.  

Simon- paleontology, outdoor play, meteorology, chemistry, astronomy, and making things out of plastic

Grade 1

Ms. Morris-Scientist in the school, an artist came to visit, working on making bubble letters, and a popcorn party

Ms. Steadman- New Year’s resolutions and people that work in our community

Grade 1 2 split

Mr. Remisch- green team, arctic animals, and fairy tails

Ms. Lewis- making communities

Grade 2

Ms. Schwartz- scranimals, mural from the salamander book, and they went to the zoo for a field trip

Grade 3

Ms. Domelle- homework club, reading the BFG, Christmas and Hanukah party, scrabble, games and activities, and indoor soccer house league

Mr. Brinsmead- book talks, sandwich recipes, and theatre club

Other teachers

Ms. Poffenroth- Green team and library helpers

Linda’s- Swim Team, distance, masks and flippers, and hyperthermia

Mr. Roblin- winter concert, puff the magic dragon, Orff instruments, and games

Mr. McKeown- House league soccer, creative dance, and parachute games   


Cherub Series: Book Review
By: Jonah Stein (Gr. 5)


         One day I was sitting in my room so bored that I was considering reading the back of a cereal box.  Just then, my mother came in and told me that she had a book for me to read. The book was called The Recruit, the first book of the Cherub Series written by Robert Muchamore. I didn’t think it would be a good book, so I asked my mom to start reading it to me. It turns out that I loved the book!           

            In The Recruit, the main character is James, a lazy couch potato whose mother just recently died. James goes to a foster home after his mother’s death. After school one day, James robs a beer store to be cool. Instead, he finds himself in a room with clean clothes and an orange shirt. On the shirt there is a baby angel with a bandolier, wings, an army helmet, and a bow and arrow with a globe behind it. James thinks that this is just another foster home, but James couldn’t have imagined how wrong he was. On top of the soft fabric of the shirt, there is a note that says, “See the director.”  James gets dressed and goes searching for the director’s office. James asks the other kids with similar shirts where the director’s office could be found.  All of them answered, “Can’t speak to orange shirt”, but point James in the general direction. Finally, James finds the director’s office. When he gets there, the director tells James that Cherub is not a foster home but a branch of Special Forces for kids. James doesn’t believe what he’s hearing but soon he finds out that the director isn’t lying.  After he finishes training, James goes on his first mission.

    I recommend this book because it is very suspenseful. You will not want to stop reading it.  Cherub is my favorite series of books and I hope you will read and enjoy them too.



Book Review:


By: Natalie (Gr. 4)


     Have you ever read the book “The Penderwicks?” Well, if you haven’t read this book it then here is a review!   


     It’s about four sisters, two rabbits, Mr. Penderwick, and a very interesting boy. The four sisters names are: Rosilinda, Jane, Sky, and Batty.


     Now to tell you what really happened in the story! The Penderwick family wants to go on a vacation. So, they get in their car and get going to the cottage. But, their dog Hound ate the map.  How are they going to get there?  That doesn’t stop them from a BEATIFUL cottage! They ask for directions from a guy named “Harry the tomato man.” He says, “Go strait down, turn left, turn into a quick right, then look for number eleven.” 


     Well that’s just the beginning of the book.  If you want to find out more about the book, then you just have to read it!    


     If I were to rate this book, I would give it 4 stars out of 5.


       “This is a really good book”



The Farm

By: Xavier (Gr. 6)

          My favourite place in the whole world is my cousin's family farm. It is owned Tony and Julie (now deceased) and their kids Sarah, John, Ben and David. It is an old farm where my cousin's father once raised wheat, oats, cows, goats, turkeys, hens, horses, ducks, and even pigs. (at different times) My cousins' mom even raised Silver Foxes as a child before the Great Depression in the 1930s. Julie and her sister Eva used to give horse-trail rides to visitors who came to the country. Now it is a hobby farm with horses, cats, dogs, fish, and frogs. The farm house was built in the early 19th century. Julie's father bought/took over the farm after World War II (1945) and erected (built) 2 barns. The farm is located northeast of London ON in the hamlet of Thamesford near the Thames River, South of Stratford .I enjoy horse back riding in the summer and tobogganing in the winter. 

The pond is 25 foot deep, and is full of small mouth bass and snapping turtles.


Our two horses Chiko(left) and Arwin(right).  

The Forrest

By: Kielan (Gr. 4)


Leaves rustle as passers-by

walk their way through the forest and

follow a twisting and winding path


In autumn leaves fall to the ground

blushing colours of red, yellow and orange


In winter crusty snow covers

the tree trunks up to their branches


In spring snow melts and trickles away

leaving no sign it had ever been there


And in summer leaves green

and all the forest’s secrets fall out

like water from a cup

The Poisoned Pianist

Part 1

By Kielan Ellis


It was late that night as George Gregson walked into the flat.

“Betty, where are you?” He said, attempting to call his house Keeper. No answer came.


Betty sprinted down the stairs, her strawberry blonde hair flying behind her.

“What were you doing up there Betty?” He said. “I had asked you to start tidying the sitting room and organizing my shaving things and clothes.”

“I am sorry Mr. Gregson!”

“Well you should be! I expect you will do it when I’m at the conservatory tomorrow.”
“Yes Mr. Gregson”. Then she walked off, her black embroidered dress flowing behind her.

The next day George lunched happily at the local Manchester diner. Later he went over to the conservatory where he had booked  room 19B to practice on his favourite antique oak piano for his upcoming concert. By passers stopped at the open doorway to catch a bar or two of Beethoven or Mozart. At 6:00 pm he decided to call it a day, so he went out to a local pub and had dinner. After 30 minutes of eating fish and chips he licked his fingers, paid his bill, and then went over to a friend’s flat. His friend welcomed him warmly and they had a cup of coffee together. They then headed out for a walk in the direction of the cemetery. It smelled lovely outside and the stars were shining brightly. Suddenly George saw his father’s tomb stone.

“Andrew” he said, pointing at the stone, “Could we stop for a second?”

“Of course my dear chap, of course!

He stood there staring at the stone intensely. He then turned to walk away. Suddenly, he felt a horrible pain in his chest. He fell backwards, hitting his head on his own father’s tomb stone. Then everything went black.


I walked along East Castle Street and marched up to the porch of number 456. I pulled as hard as I could on the door bell.


The door opened and Artemis Crouch stood there in a black Jacket with his fedora perched firmly upon his head.
“Oh, hello Albert!”

“This is no time for hellos.” I said. Did you hear what happened?

“Yes that poor Mr. Gregson. He dropped dead in the middle of a graveyard. I am going to Scotland Yard to sign those papers on the Ashlen Hays case that I solved in October and then I am going to start investigating the problem at hand.”

“Before you go, do you have any idea who the murderer might be? I think it was that chap who called himself Gregson’s friend!” I said

“No I think it was the housekeeper!”

“No, not at all, it was the friend.”

“I bet you a fiver it was the housekeeper!”

“You’re on!”

“Good! I will head off to Scotland Yard. In two days a murderous villain will caught, and the best part of all is that I will be five pounds richer! 

End of Part One.



Hillcrest Primary Swim Team

 By: Rani and Arielle (Gr. 6)


        On November 10, 2010, the Hillcrest primary swim team went to compete at Brown P.S. There were very close and intense races. The strokes they did were dolphin kick, breaststroke, freestyle and back stroke. Both Hillcrest and Brown did exceptionally well and the Lindas were very pleased. Nothing was tallied up because it was a fun race. All the primary swim team members should be very proud of themselves.

Go tigers!

 Book Review:

The Wall and the Wing

By: Toni (Gr. 5)

          The book the wall and the wing was published in 2006 by Laura Ruby. The wall and the wing is about 334 pages long and has 29 chapters. The wall and the wing is a very long book but is hard to put down so even though you are only are on the 6th chapter before you know it you will be on the 12th chapter.    

The three mane characters in the story are …

Gurl - is a girl who is an orphan. But some where a long the way in the story Gurl finds out that she is no ordinary girl. Gurl has very pale skin and hair and some times seems to blend right in. Some times she blends in to much. Gurl always feels bullied and alone in till she meets Chicken and Noodles.   

Chicken - is a boy who is an orphan. Some times Chicken seems like a loser. Gurl’s nickname for Chicken is Bug. Even though Chicken’s name means flight less bird Chicken can do just the opposite. Some times when Chicken gets mad he punches walls.                

Noodles - is a cat that Gurl found and named. With grey fur and big green eyes some times Gurl talks to him.  

          This story takes place in a New York City orphanage.  One night as Gurl was sneaking out to find food in a trash can she finds a little grey kitten with green eyes. She knows she’s just an orphan but she decides to take the kitten home with her. A Couple days latter a new boy shows up at the orphanage. When the two meet it’s a matter of time in till they are running off every night to ride carousels, eat candy floss and pretzels. Their secret is safe in till the owner of the orphanage Mrs. Terwiliger to find out what they are up to. As you go deeper in to the book Gurl, Chicken and Noodles meat some scary, weird, mean and evil people. Some of the things they meat are not even human. 

         I give this book 4 and a half stars.

Book Report:

“The Hunchback Assignments”

By: Alexander (Gr. 5)


               Over the winter holidays I read a book called “The Hunchback Assignments”. It takes place in 18th century England, but it is a science fiction story. This type of science fiction is known as “steam punk” because it combines the time when steam power was used commonly, with elements of futuristic technology as the Victorian people saw it.

            Mr. Socrates who is a member of the Permanent Association, a group of people who try to protect Britain from its enemies. When he hears of an ugly hunchbacked baby boy who can transform his appearance, he takes him in. Naming the boy Modo, he trains him to be a secret agent. At the age of 14 he abandons Modo in the streets of London to see if he can fend for himself. Six months later another of Mr. Socrates’ agents comes, and with the help of the Permanent Association they try and stop the mad scientist Dr. Hyde and the Clockwork Guild who are trying to release horror on the unsuspecting Londoners.

            I like this book because it has a lot of suspense, spying and intrigue. If you liked  “Airborn” by Kenneth Oppel you might like this book. It is like the Hunchback Assignments because they both take place in the 1800‘s. The author of the Hunchback Assignments, Arthur Slade is Canadian.

             I give this book a seven out of ten.




Book Suggestions

By: Reid and Noah (Gr.6)

Alex Rider Series: 4 out of 5 stars  By: Anthony Horowitz.

If you love action and adventure books, then you will love the Alex rider series. They are filled with suspense, horribly evil criminals, and danger at every turn.


Hardy Boys series: 5 out of 5 stars  By: Franklin Dixon.

This book is about the two sons of a famous detective who follow in his footsteps and go on many mysteries, a great read! 

Ranger’s Apprentice series: 4 ½ out of 5 stars By: John Flanagan. This book is about a boy named Will who becomes the apprentice of an old ranger who will take him on many worldwide adventures.


Watership Down: 4 out of 5 stars By: Richard Adams. It’s about a band of rabbits who believe that their warren is going to be taken over by humans. So in order to live they must flee from home.


 By: Emma (Gr 4)


Wild animals are special, they’re beautiful and each one is unique.  It’s sad to hear that they are going extinct.If you care about wild animals as much as I do you should go to WWF.ca and read all about endangered animals.  WWF is an animal rescue organization!  Also at WWF.ca you can adopt or support a wild animal.  I adopted a panda.  Did you know that pandas are the most endangered animals at WWF.  There population is only 1,600.  That’s why the panda bear is their symbol.  I think helping animals is very important because some day animals you see today might not be around in the future. These are some of the endangered animals at WWF.


 The Panda

The Polar Bear 


By Theadora and Barbara (Gr.5)


Q#1 Bob lived on the 100th floor of an apartment in NYC. Every day he would go out. On sunny days he would go out come back and take the elevator to the 50th floor and take the stairs the rest of the way up. On rainy days he would go out come back and take the elevator to the 100th floor. Why is this?


Q#2 What is mine but you use more then me?


Q#3 What walks on four legs in the morning, two at midday and three at night?


Q#4 What is something we drink that will always be with in us?

Two fathers and two sons went fishing. They each caught one fish, but in the end there were three fish. None were released or eaten. How is this possible?


Q#6 What weighs nothing but is as big as you?     


     If you think you know the answer come to Barbara and Theadora and tell us your answer. The first five people with the right answer to at least one of the riddles will have their name written on our new winners’ board.


Read next months article for riddle answers!


Hillcrest Quiz ANSWERS

1. 103 – Ms. Schwartz; 206 – Mr. Remisch; 216 – Ms. Wilson

2. 138 students are in grades 3, 4, and 5.

3. There are 26 lunch tables.

4. 18 rooms are on the first floor.

5. 3 water fountains

Scoring: If you got 0 or 1/5, then you need to work on your Hillcrest knowledge. If you got 3/5, you know Hillcrest well, but you have room for improvement.  If you got 4 or 5/5, you sure know Hillcrest – WOW!


Personality Quiz

By: Arielle and Micaela (Gr. 6)


1. On the weekend you like to:

A) Be with friends

B) Be active

C) Relax


2. Most of the time you are

A) Talking

B) Hyper

C) Lazy


3. How many friends do you have?

A) 10-20

B) 5-7

C) 1-3


4. What is your favorite place to eat?

A) Pizza place with friends

B) Some where with sports T.V.

C) Any place dessert themed


5. What are your favorite clothes to wear?

A) Trendy clothes

B) Soccer shorts and t-shirts

C) Sweats and a hoodie

6. What is your favourite sport?

A)   Texting

B)    Anything active

C)    I do not like sports


7. What do you do during recess?

A) Be with friends

B) Play a sport

C) Lie on the turf and do nothing


     If you answer mostly A’s then you are a parrot. You are very social. You love to be up to date with the latest fashion trends and love to talk.

     If you answered mostly B’s then you are a cheetah. You are always on the move with extra curricular activities and you love sports.

     If you answered mostly C’s then you are a sloth. You prefer to relax than to be active. Your hobbies are relaxing things.

     If you answered an even amount of every thing then you are a monkey you love to be sociable and still have time to be active but at the end of the day you are tired.

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