January Issue

Editors: Arielle and Reid (Grade 5)       Grade 12 Co-op Student Editor: Ashley       Supervising Teacher: Ms. Ling

 Hillcrest staff and students want to wish you a 

Happy New Year!!!!

Students celebrating the New Year! 



Mr. McKeown leads the Folkdance Club 




Dash's Death 

The kids in Room 208 made cards in gratitude of Dash.


By: Luke (Grade 5)

Dash came to room 208 Hillcrest school in December 2006. He was a great Ginea pig and led a happy and peaceful life. He was known to stand for the playing of O Canada every morning along with the kids and almost squeak along with the words. Every night one of the school janitors would feed Dash a carrot and Dash would squeal with delight.It is hard to write an obituary for a Ginea pig given that they do not lead the most eventful of lives so I can't think of much  more to write about. I'm sure he will  continue to be remembered and loved by everybody in Hillcrest Communtie School, pupils, parents and teachers alike.









       Library Helpers 


Library Helpers organize the bookshelves

By: Leda and Elyssa (Grade 6)

       Some kids in Hillcrest are library helpers. The library helpers are responsible for keeping the shelves clean. They come once a week. Everyone meets on Thursdays. Library helpers last the whole year. You get 1 “H” point if you come to all the meetings. Library helpers started last year. Did you know that the library has about 13,000 books.

         Soleia a grade 6 student in Hillcrest doing library helpers had said “Library helpers is good because I get the books first and its fun sorting the books.”

         Ashna another grade 6 student in Hillcrest doing library helpers said “Its fun because I get to sort the books and I like the library.”

         Numbo a grade 4 student doing library helpers said “It’s awesome because you help the library and you get to clean it up.”

         Library helpers is so fun! 

 Cool Crafts to Beat boredom

By Lauren and Tiny (Grade 6)

Hi, we know as kids that many days at home can get pretty boring. So, we made up some crafts that will you keep you entertained and busy even on the most boring days. Now we know that these might not appeal to you, for everyone has different opinions on things. But if you’re bored, just give it a try.


Ms. Johnson’s New Year's resolution was to be more like Imran, so that she could travel more and go on more holidays during school time. 

New Year's at Hillcrest

By Imran and Georgia  (Grade 6)

In December we interviewed some teachers at Hillcrest asking them what their New Year's resolutions were. The first teacher we interviewed was Mr. Brinsmead.  His new year's resolutions were to eat healthier to keep his blood pressure down. Mr. Brinsmead doesn't remember his last year's resolution.  Next, we interviewed Mr. Ophek.  His New Year's resolution was to be healthier. Last year his resolution was to probably be healthier. Then we interviewed Ms. Shenin.  She said her New Year's resolution was to every 3 months to try a new challenge to be more environmentally aware.  She does not remember last years resolution. Mr. Ives’ new year's resolution is to do something special outside of school. His last year's resolution was to get more exercise. Last year he did sort of live up to his resolution. Ms. Johnson’s resolution was to be more like Imran so that she could travel more and go on more holidays during school time.  Her last year's resolution was to learn to play guitar but she did not uphold her resolution.  Lastly, Mr. Roblin’s resolution was once again to exercise more.  His last years resolution was to be more fit and yes, he did live up to his new year's resolution.


Project Give Back 


By: Claire, Xavier, and Micaela (Grade 5)

     Over the past few weeks the grade 5 classes, room 213, and 216 at Hillcrest School have learned about a program called Project Give Back. Project Give Back is an organization run by Ellen Swartz who is the mother of Jacob. Jacob has a disease called Canavan. “Canavan disease is an inherited, progressive neurodegenerative disease which strikes in early infancy causing progressive mental and physical disabilities. Children with Canavan disease have limited ability to move their hands, hold their head up, or perform even the simplest of tasks. Over a period of time, these children may even lose their sense of sight and the ability to swallow food. Unfortunately, children afflicted with Canavan disease are unable to sit, crawl, walk, or even speak.

     Although Canavan disease is rare, it is but one form of a group of disorders called leukodystrophies, in which a greater number of children are also affected by structural abnormalities and deterioration of motor, sensory, and intellectual functions”. Although Jacob can’t say mommy his special talent is extraordinary, Jacob has influenced people all over the world with his program called Jacobs ladder and his heart felt smile!  

     A couple weeks ago Ellen brought in Jacob to see us. At first our classes felt awkward but then when got to know him better and we felt inspired by him. Ellen has been coming in every Thursday to teach us about caring. We have chosen charities that are closest to our hearts. For example Because I am a Girl, and Sounds Good. Because I am a Girl’s goal is to engage 1 million girls to raise money for projects such as: clean water and food security, health care and education, for more information go to www.becauseiamagirl.com.

     Sounds Good is a charity that raises awareness and money to research auditory neuropathy which is a form of hearing loss. Lately we have been making and writing presentations and activities for our charities. At the end of our activities and speeches we collect a dollar from each student that will go to our chosen charities. Overall it has been a pleasure to have Project Give Back in the school. For more info go to www.projectgiveback.com.


How Solar Works 


By: Fiona, Toni, and Ellena (Grade 4)

This is how a solar panel works. Hillcrest is putting solar panels on the roof which is good for the earth and our school. Not only is the energy going to our school it will go to the houses and other places around the neighbourhood! The electricity company will give Hillcrest school money that we can spend on new facilities woohoo! Here are a list of things that can run on solar panels, cell phones, cars, houses, lights, flashlights, TV’s and much, much more   







Boredom Basher

Equipment:  toilet paper tube or half a paper towel tube, string, chopstick or relatively straight stick, tape (strong)

Instructions: First, tape an end of the string to the tick side of the chopstick or if you have a stick, just tape it to an end.  Next, tape the other end of the string to the edge of the toilet paper roll or half a paper towel roll.

How You Play:

Hold the toilet paper roll or paper towel roll in one hand and throw up the chopstick/stick in the air. Try to get the chopstick/stick in the toilet paper roll/paper towel roll.




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