Valentine’s Day Craft

By: Toni (Gr. 5) and Emily D. (Gr.4)

For this craft you will need a teddy bear, fabric glue, fabric makers, and pink, red and purple fabric.      


Step 1.Cut out hearts with your chosen fabric. You might want to write a personalized message like Happy Valentine’s Day, BFF or their name on the hearts.

Step 2.Arrange the heart patches on your bear.

Step 3.When you are happy with your arrangement, get fabric glue and glue the heart patches on the bear.


Here’s a picture of the bear that Toni made for Emily for last year’s Valentine’s Day. Try this craft at home and give it to a friend or family member. If you finish this craft, bring it to Ms.Ling’s classroom and we will take a picture and put it in the next issue!

 Speech Competition

By: Emma (Gr. 4)


     At Hillcrest this year, all the junior students from grades 4-6 will be entering into a public speech competition.  First, the students will present their speech in their own class, and then teachers will select students to present to all the junior classes. Then the students that win go on to the city finals.  These are the formats that that the students can present.

Format A: To present information about a topic and/or to develop a point of view about a topic.  Some of the speech topics we have heard of are: water pollution, Greek mythology, the Holocaust, King Richard III, poverty, charity, animals, and video games.

Format C: To have students interpret and present, in a dramatic way, spoken material written or produced by someone other than the participants. Some of the speech topics we have heard of are: The Wright Brothers and Chester.

     The Hillcrest speech competition will happen in classes between February 3rd to 9th.  Good luck to all the junior students! 



Junior Speech Competition

By: Noah (Gr.6)

     Throughout the month of January the junior classes will be writing and performing speeches. They will be able to choose between a persuasive speech or a dramatization speech (acting out a story.)

     First they will perform in front of their class and the winners will move onto the following stages. This competition will be a learning experience for all, and all the competitors should have fun with this event. I interviewed Jonah in Grade 5 and asked him what his topic for his speech and he said, “I am doing my speech trying to persuade my mom that video games are awesome." He said that he picked that topic because his mom is always bugging him to get off the computer she thinks it’s a waste of time.  Look out for the speeches at Hillcrest!




By: Natalie (Gr. 4)

Have you read the “Penderwicks on Gardam Street?” Well

if you haven’t, then I suggest you read this review! 



Mr.Penderwick – The official father of the Penderwick family!

Rosalind, the eldest, Skey  sportiest, Jane,the smartest, and then Batty the youngest. 

Rosalind – The prettiest, most responsible and also  the eldest.

Skey – The only one with blonde hair, and likes to play soccer. 

Jane – She likes to read books, read stories and is also the smartest.  

Batty – She is the youngest and also the most adventurous! 


Now to tell you what really happened in the story. The four sisters are all in the hospital waiting for a new child, Batty. Their mother Elizabeth has cancer. So they all hope that she will even be able to see her own child. The nurse asks them to leave. “I hope we can see mommy again tomorrow!” Says Jane. “Me too”.Says Mr. Penderwick. When they got home they went straight to bed. NEXT MORINING.They ran to the car to check if their mother was ok. But sadly, the nurse said that their mother had died at dawn, before they could even get in the car. If you want to find out what happened next, then you will have to read it!

Random Riddles
Written By: Barbara and Theadora

1.        When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don’t have me. What am I?

2. You can hold it without using your hands or arms. What is it?   

 3. You're in a deep, dark jungle. You have a matchstick, a wooden stove, and a lantern. What will you light first?

    4.   I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?


The Winner’s Board from January                  


Newspaper Club




Emily.k gr4

Liam gr.5



Micaela gr.6

Ellie gr.4




Eleanor gr.5




Nat gr.5

Ms. Clancy



Shirley gr.4

Ms. Domelle




Mr. Sternberg







January answers

Q#1. Because Bob has an umbrella on rainy so he can reach the button for the 100 floor.

Q#2.Your name.

Q#3.A person.


Q#5.there was a granddad, a dad and a son.

Q#6.your shadow.


What is your favourite kind of cake?

By: Rani, Arielle, and Micaela (Gr. 6)






Red velvet


Strawberry short cake     1111111

Cheese cake






Devils food cake




We surveyed a sample of people on their favourite kind of cake! We found out that strawberry shortcake is the most liked cake out of the sample we surveyed!!!!



By: Reid (Gr. 6)

8-9-11-11-3-17-5-18-19           9-18          19-8-5        2-5-18-19




1=A,  2=B,  3=C , 4=D , 5=E,  ……..


Valentine's Day


By Rani and Micaela (Gr. 6)


     Valentine's Day or Saint Valentine's Day is a day we show love and affection for others. Valentine's Day is named after Saint Valentine. Because he was buried on February 14th that is the day we celebrate Valentine's Day.

     There are many different stories to explain why Valentines Day is named after saint Valentine one of the reasons is  that during the third century in Rome, saint valentine was a priest. When Emperor Claudius ll decided that men who were not married made better solders then married men, he no longer let young men get married so he could use them as solders. It is said that saint valentine continued to marry young lovers. After hearing this, the Emperor ordered him to be killed. It is also said that when saint valentine was in prison he sent the very first valentine to the jailer’s daughter. He signed the card “from your valentine.”  This is still a popular way to end valentines. Did you know that Valentine's Day is the holiday were people send the second most amount of cards next to Christmas. Have an awesome Valentine's day!


       Family Day Weekend

Feb. 19-21 

By: Natalie (Gr.4)

Do you already know what you’re doing for family day weekend? well if you don’t, or you want some ideas, then here are some!

- You could go see a movie

- You could go to a restaurant

 - You could  go to the museum

If you like some of these activities, then ask your parents. I bet they will like them too!


Super Bowl XLV

By: Jonah Stein (Gr.5)

       Super bowl XLV held in Dallas, Texas this year is nearing. There are very few days left until February 6th. The competing teams are the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Green Bay Packers.


        The Steelers have a bit of an advantage in the win column with a record of 12 wins and 4 losses.  But just two games behind are the packer’s with 10 wins and 6 losses. The Green Bay Packers are 111 years old created on august 11th 1919. The Steelers where created 24 years later on July 6th.


        Instead of being awarded a super big bowl if you win you get the Vince Lombardi trophy. It’s named after him because he coached two teams in the span of 11 years and won 2 super bowls. Vince Lombardi died on September 3rd 1970 of cancer.


        The first super bowl was held on January 15th 1967. The super bowl started when the AFL and the NFL started arguing that they are better than each other. They decided that there should be an overall champion. The best teams in each league would face each other and the winner would be crowned the super bowl champions.


       I think the Steelers will win because they have won more games than the Packers. The Packers have more touchdowns but they also have allowed more touchdowns. The Steelers quarterback also has been in the super bowl 2 times and has won both of them. The Packers quarterback has never even been in one super bowl. That is my prediction for super bowl XLV.



Favorite Subject Survey

By: Kyrstyn (Gr. 5)

I asked 17 people what there favorites subject was and most people liked gym the least amount of people liked choir and it was a tie for second with Math, Drama, and Art. It was a tie for third with Computers, Social Studies, Swimming, Language arts, Music, Reading buddies, and science. I like Science!







Reading Buddies








Language Arts






Social Studies









Juniors Activities and Their

Teacher’s Activities

By: Hayley and Fiona (Grade 5)

Grade 4/5 splits

Ms. Clancy- pop art, speeches, reading the Underneath, scientist in the school, math graphs, scientist fieldtrip, you can see all of the other things we are doing at

Ms. Ling- pop art, speeches, scientist fieldtrip, scientist in the school, reading The Garage Sale Mystery and Silverwing, math geometry, Newspaper Club , and checkout all the things they are doing at

Mr. Sternberg-Speeches, field trip for science, things we have in common, primary colours  with room 215, three big ideas for your speech, health posters, faces, pleased to meet you 215  

Grade 6

Ms. Wilson- speech competitions, bar graphs, surreal self portraits


Top Ten Lists

(According to Reid and Xavier, Gr. 6)


1.   Inception

2.   Iron Man

3.   Despicable Me

4.   Mission Impossible

5.   Matrix

6.   Indiana Jones

7.   Avatar

8.   Roll Bounce

9.   Megamind



1.     DJ Got us Fallin’ in Love

2.     Whoa is Me

3.     Magic

4.     The Time

5.     We R Who We R

6.     Bohemian Rhapsody

7.     Thriller

8.     Smooth Criminal

9.     Dynamite

10. Grenade

Sports Teams

1.    Montreal Canadians

2.    Philadelphia Phillies

3.    Toronto Blue Jays

4.    Pittsburg Penguins

5.    LA Lakers

6.    Miami Heat

7.    San Francisco Giants

8.    Buffalo Bills

9.    Green Bay Packers

10. Toronto Argos


1.    Coffee Crisp

2.   Crunch

3.    Jolly Ranchers

4.   Oh Henry

5.   Kit Kat

6.   Gummy Worms

7.   Mr. Big

8.   Sour Starburst

9.   Caramilk



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