December Issue 

Cold Weather Activities

By: Emma and Natalie (Gr. 4)


Are you ever bored on a snowy winter day? Well, these are some of our favourite winter activities: 

·       making snowangels                                                     

·       building snowmen        

·       going sledding        

·       skiing

·       skating

·       making a snow fort                                   

Those seem like a lot, so you shouldn’t be bored!  If you really get cold while you are doing these winter activities, then here are some ways to warm up!  My (Emma) favourite thing to do when I get cold is drink hot chocolate and watch TV.  And my (Natalie) favourite thing to do when I get cold is also drink hot chocolate and sit in front of the fireplace!



Bring on the Construction

By: Theadora (Gr. 5)


     The construction in the south yard is almost done. Have you ever wondered what all the construction was about? The workers said that they were going to get rid of the grass on the slope because of the cost of upkeep. The answer isn’t quite clear, but one of the things that I did find out was that they were going to paint the stones to make them look like flowers. 


On the hill just by the south yard, builders are putting down bricks where the grass was.  

Builders getting the job done.


Interviews About the Holidays

By: Barbara (Gr. 5)


1. What are your traditions for the holidays?  

Chloe says (Gr. 4): My family likes to go skiing.

Ms. Bain says (Rm 215 Student Teacher): Over the holidays, my traditions are eating turkey dinner with my family.

Ms. Reinelt says (Rm 213 Student Teacher): We drive around looking at Christmas lights.

Barbara says (Gr. 5): We always put up a Christmas tree and decorate it.

2.   Do you have any special plans for the holidays?

Chloe says: I’m going to Vermont to go skiing.

Ms. Bain says: I’m going back to Mississauga.

Ms. Reinelt says: I’m going to see my family.

Barbara says: I am seeing our family who live out of town.

3.  What are you looking forward to most over the holidays?

Chloe says: I’m looking forward to skiing with my family.

Ms. Bain says: I’m looking forward to seeing my Grandmother.

Ms. Reinelt says: I’m looking forward to seeing my family.

Barbara says: I’m looking forward to sleeping in!

4.  What’s you favourite thing to do over the holidays?

Chloe says: My favourite things to do is skiing and spending time with my family.

Ms. Bain says: My favourite thing to do is going ice skating.

Ms. Reinelt says: My favourite thing to do is drinking hot chocolate.

Barbara says: My favourite thing to do is go sledding with my cousins.



Book Review: Holes

By: Jeremy (Gr. 4)

Holes was written by Lois Sachar. The setting is in the present day and in the Texas wastelands. The main characters are Stanley, Zero, and the warden. Stanley Yelnats has been sent to Camp Green Lake by mistake. Camp Green Lake is a detention centre for boys who committed crimes. The boys who got arrested were given a choice: go to jail or go to Camp Green Lake. The warden is ruthless, and she is having the boys dig for something. There also are flashbacks to Stanley’s great-great-grandfather’s time.

            My opinion is that the book is good, with some stuff that could be improved. Some of the characters’ quotes are a little bit feeble. Some character personalities are not that realistic. The setting and the suspense seem amazing to me. If you like this book, you should also try Small Steps, the sequel to Holes. I really enjoyed reading that, too. 


Remembrance Day - Class Wreaths 

November Character Trait - Empathy 

October Character Trait - Responsibility 

Hillcrest Swim Team 

Junior Distance Team practices Tuesday mornings and Friday at lunch.  Primary Swim Team practices Monday and Wednesday at lunch and Thursday mornings.


Homework Clubs at Hillcrest

By: Toni (Gr. 5)


Homework Club is one of the best places for students to get help with their homework.  Below is a list of teachers who have a Homework Club.

Ms. Domelle in Room 210 - On Tuesdays and Thursdays

Mr.Sternberg in Room 215 - On Tuesdays and Thursdays

Ms.Ling in Room 213 - On Wednesdays 

Ms. Wilson in Room 216 - On Tuesdays

 Room 210's artwork on warm and cool colours.

Animal artwork from students in Room 205.


Farm Sticker Survey


         By: Fiona and Hayley (Gr. 5)



Cute ducky


Cute sheepy sticker

Cute piggy sticker






      We did a sticker survey around the school at lunch.  We asked teachers and students at Hillcrest their opinions. We asked them which animal sticker they liked the best. The winner was, “cute piggy sticker,” second was a “ducky sticker,” third was a “sheepy sticker,” and one vote for “none”.  We think that the pig and the sheep stickers are the cutest out of all the options. Afterall, it was a good survey and it was fun to make! Thank you to the people who answered! 




December word Search

G  S  H  H  H  L  A  T  K  E  S  L  R  G  E

E  X  A  A  A  O  C  K  O  I  W  M  E  P  O

W  L  H  M  R  N  L  S  R  W  N  B  B  D  B

C  Z  D  T  T  O  U  T  I  P  P  Q  M  K  Q

K  V  U  I  L  S  N  K  S  W  R  G  E  W  R

M  V  U  U  E  E  I  E  A  J  E  K  C  A  U

W  R  E  I  W  R  G  R  M  H  S  X  E  N  Z

B  C  K  D  T  L  D  G  H  A  E  U  D  Z  O

Z  C  A  R  O  L  S  W  M  C  N  B  Z  A  R

U  S  L  E  G  J  C  D  K  H  T  I  X  A  N

Z  E  M  V  L  J  I  S  B  R  S  O  Y  U  A

P  M  I  S  T  L  E  T  O  E  R  P  X  X  M

O  K  N  O  I  T  A  R  B  E  L  E  C  W  E

Y  A  D  I  L  O  H  I  I  E  G  S  P  J  N

F  F  Z  Z  K  I  X  F  F  S  F  Q  W  Q  T

















Hillcrest Winter Concert


Wednesday, December 8th

 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. in the Gym

Bake sale starts at 6:30 p.m.


Winter Break

December 20th - 31st

Back to school on Monday, January 3rd



Girls Basketball Results

                             By: Emily D. and Chloe (Gr. 4)

On November 22nd the Hillcrest girls' basketball team went to a tournament.  The first game was Hillcrest vs. Bessborough.  Hillcrest lost with a final score of 12 - 4.  The second game was Hillcrest vs. Blythewood.  Hillcrest won with the final score of 20 - 12.  The third game was Hillcrest vs. Rolph Road.  Hillcrest won with the final score of 22 - 14.

Hillcrest came in a three-way tie in first place, so for the tie breaker, there were 5 minute playoff games. All the girls played hard and as a team.  However, Hillcrest did not go on to the next round.  Many thanks to the coach, Mr. Sternberg for making this team possible!!!!!!!

                                  GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!


Pioneer Christmas

By: Kyrstyn (Gr. 5)

     How did pioneers celebrate Christmas?  On Christmas Day, the whole family attended church. On Christmas Eve, pioneer's sang carols and shared stories around the fireplace. There were chores that began months be for Christmas - such as making the gifts for the family like corn husked dolls, sachets, carved wooden toys, pillows, footstools, and embroidered handkerchiefs.  If a pioneer boy or girl was good for that year, they might get some cookies or fruit in their stocking, that was hung on the fireplace.  If a pioneer was bad for that year, then they would receive a lump of coal.   

Here's an activity: Draw something you think a pioneer boy or girl would get for Christmas. Then draw some something a child would get now, in 2010.

Fun Things to do Over the December Break

By: Rani and Micaela (Gr. 6)


     Rani and Micaela both love the winter break! Here are a few activities that they have a lot of fun doing. Rani loves skiing. Her favourite place to ski is at Peak n’ Peek Ski Resort. Micaela loves to skate at the Wychwood Barns' outdoor rink. Did you know that Micaela’s uncle filmed the movie, "Score: A Hockey Musical" at that ice rink?  Both Rani and Micaela like to play hockey in the winter. They both celebrate Christmas with their families.  Happy Holidays to all!


Movie Review:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1

By: Emily K. (Gr. 4)


     Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 (or HP7 for short) opened in theatres on November 19th 2010, at12:01 a.m.  I saw the movie with my sister, Mom, and Dad.  It was really good!  Lots of other people must have thought that too, because it made $220 million in 2 weekends.  I think the movie was true to the book.  Don’t worry – I won’t tell you about it.  You should see it for yourself.  But, you should see the other Harry Potter movies or read the books first.  There were many exciting parts but also some sad parts. 

     I think the best scene was when Harry, Ron, and Hermoine were trying to destroy the Horcrux.  This scene took place in the forest in the winter.  Harry jumped into the frozen water and the Horcrux was strangling Harry underwater.  HP7 was full of excitement and the time went by really fast because it was amazing – even though it was over 2 hours long.  I would recommend this movie for children over the age of 8 years old.  There are some scary scenes.  I can’t wait to see Part 2 in July 2011! 




By Micaela (Gr. 6)



#1: The maid took the kids because she said that she was sweeping the corners but the king and queen live in a round castle. The mailman also helped because he said that he was delivering the mail but the mail doesn’t come on Sundays.

#2: A newspaper

#3: Her other kid’s name is George.

#4: Because he lives in a lighthouse.

#5: Roosters don’t lay eggs.


If you got 1 answer right then you need to work on your riddles.

If you got 2 answers right then you did okay.

If you got 3 answers right then you did a pretty good job.

If you got 4 answers right then you did great!

If you got all 5 answers right then you are a genius!!!!!!!



Do’s and Don'ts at the Dinner Table  

By: Jonah and Alexander (Gr. 5)  





Offer to clean up spills and messes                                                       


Freak out at whoever spills something

Politely eat your food.


Feed your dog under the table.

Stay until the meal is over.


Sneak away to eat candy and play video games.

Say the meal was delicious.


Turn green and vomit everywhere.

Hold in bodily gases.


Let out bodily gases.

Keep feet and hands still at the table.


Kick people even if they are kicking you under the table.

Use eating utensils properly.


Stick eating utensils in eyes, ears, and nose.

Be hygienic.



Pick nose and ears at the table (or anywhere else).



All About Christmas

By: Rani (Gr. 6)

This word scramble is all about Christmas! If there's a space between the scrambled words, that means there are two words. Hint: The capital letter is the first letter in the word. Let's see how well you can do!!!!!!!!!







daCyn ncea


shrt eCmirsate




nao nmSw



lal nwboS






The Adventures of Artimus Crouch

and Albert Ellis

Crouch at Christmas Part 2 

By: Kielan (Grade 4)

We walked down the smoggy streets of London. Some people were shouting:

“Get your Christmas Geese here!” and some were just welcoming their husbands and children home from a long day. After about 20 minutes of wishing we had hailed a cab, we arrived at 369 A Chester Ave. It was a mortuary. He took me inside and I looked around.

          “I presume you are still wondering why I brought you here.”

          “Yes.Why?” I said

          “Him” he said, indicating a white door on his left with his index finger. I walked over and pushed it open. Inside lay a man on a grey bed. He was dead.

          “And?” I prompted Crouch. 

“Do you recognize him?”

“No….wait! Yes I do. That’s Stan! Stanley P. Jettingberg!! He was a co-pilot with me on almost every air battle.

“I knew he was a military man!”

“You said it was a matter of life and death.”

“Well I had to say that to get you to come. I wanted you to identify him”

“Well his name is Stanley Jettinburg.

I was about to move closer when I heard him say, “There is a deep gash in his back.”

“Someone murdered him?!” I said in shock.

“Yes, and I want you to help me find out who did it.  I am a detective with Scotland Yard.” he said, pulling out a brown card that read Artimus, Barling Crouch, Detective, Scotland Yard.

          “I will do anything I can to help.” I said.

          “Get some rest tonight and I will meet you at Scotland Yard at 8:00 am sharp tomorrow morning.” said Crouch.

          The next day I walked down to Scotland Yard and Detective Crouch was waiting out front. We entered the headquarters and there was an inspector in one corner photocopying fingerprints.

          When he spotted us he stopped what he was doing and came directly towards us.  Detective Crouch asked him if he had any more information about the murder.

          “Yes, A neighbour heard shouting in a foreign language.”

          “Odd, very odd.” said Crouch.

          “Another thing, he was reading Twelfth Night at the time of the murder. We found this exact book splattered with blood about one meter away from the body. That is all the information we could find”.

          “Thank you” said Inspector Crouch. We hailed a cab and about half way to the flat, Crouch asked, “Was there ever a time when you were not co-piloting with Stanley?”

          “Yes, there was a short time when he was flying on his own. During that time he shot down another plane.”

          “Was it a German plane called the Thunderbird?”

          “Yes it was.” I said surprised.

          We sat in silence till we reached his flat. He sat down, picked up his guitar and started to play.

          “What on earth are you doing? I shouted at him. “We have a mystery to solve!”

“I have already solved it!” he said.

“How can that be? Who is the murderer? What was the motive?”

“The motive was revenge. You see, the Thunderbird was a very famous German plane flown by a very famous German pilot, Harckon Ravinavich. When Stanley shot down the plane he also killed Harckon. His wife, Anjeilena Ravinavich, also famous has just arrived in England. I believe his wife murdered Stanley in revenge for her husband’s death.”

          “That is incredible” I said.

          “I could not have done it without you”

          And so ends the case of Crouch at Christmas: the fighter and the famous!

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