April Issue

Editors: Arielle and Reid (Grade 5)             Supervising Teacher: Ms. Ling




       A picture of the terrible volcanic eruption in Iceland


By: Georgia (Grade 6)

Do you need to get away? Are you not sure where to go too? If so, this article will hopefully give you some ideas about what places are good. And what places are great! Mexico, Cancun, Playa Del Carmen. I recently visited here in March and it was wonderful. The weather was beautiful the sights were stunning the people who live there are friendly. Though it really is a tourist area. Any were you look there is a stand trying to sell you something and it’s not a really traditional Mexican experience in Playa Del Carmen but it’s still really fun and beautiful and HOT. The weather is nice and warm ( some times it can be a little too warm, but don’t worry you can cool off by going into the pool or the ocean. ) Now that was just stunning. A nice deep blue coulor with the beautiful deep green pom trees and the lovely golden coulor of the and. Yes, I rate Playa Del Carmen Mexico a 4.6 (Out of 5.) So I definetley recommend Playa Del Carmen for your next Tropical Trip. (Ha ha tropical trip both start with T. That’s illiterate.)      


Playa del Carmen 

June 2, 3, 4 - Grade 6's write EQAO

June 7, 8, 9, - Grade 3's write EQAO

Click here to visit the EQAO Website


 E.Q.A.O. Preparation, Everybody!

(Whether you like it or not)


By: Tiny (Grade 6)


Guess what time of year it is? I’ll bet you’d guess it’s something like: “The beginning of spring, and the last fragments of the school year; where everyone is laughing and playing among the budding blossoms and the sweet smell of fresh breeze. With the sounds of rustling leaves of the trees! And the birds singing a happy spring song, so beautiful!”  Well, I can tell you something about that. You may think what is written above, but you are not entirely correct. You see, the time has come for something, the exact opposite of happy flowers, and that, my friend, is the EQAO test for the Grades 3 and 6 students.

If any of you don’t know what the EQAO tests are, you must be in grade one or two (so I have no idea how you would ever come to be reading this newspaper).  Anyway, the EQAO is coming up. So, just for the fun of it, I’m writing all about it so you can get worried to the bone. Evil, aren’t I? I know; I try.  The EQAO test is hard, nerve-wracking, excruciating, numbing…need I say more? I think I do. But, oh no! I’ve written too much, and I haven’t even written about evilism yet! Oh, darnage. (Another clever word made up by moi). So, have you ever wondered what the EQAO test is going to be like? I’ll tell you: It’ll be terrible! Absolutely awful. You’ll dread it for years!


The Hobbit

(There and Back Again) 

 By: Luke (Grade 5)

When peace loving Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit (a halfling), living in the country of the shire in Middle Earth (more on that later), meets a strange wandering wizard talking of adventures; Bilbo invites him to a afternoon tea and thinks nothing more of it.  But instead of just one wizard arriving at Bilbo’s house, 13 dwarves arrive as well.  And so begins an adventure beyond Bilbo’s wildest imaginings.  An adventure that takes him to the Grand House of Elrond, through the dangerous orc-infested Misty Mountains, past the mazes of Mirkwood and to many other places as well.

The author, J.R.R. Tolkien, was a professor of mythology at Oxford and so he knew a lot about myths.  He created a world from his imagination – Middle Earth – in which all of his stories took place.  Tolkien wrote the Hobbit as stories for his children and not to publish as a book.  Later, he was convinced to publish the stories as a book which has never been out of print to this day.

The Hobbit is a great adventure story and is a classic as well as a must read.  I have read it 15 times.  You heard me, 15 times!  I don’t often read a book more than once.  It submerges you into another world and it captures your imagination – taking you to another realm.  It paints a perfect picture in your head and it has a really good story line.  And when you get that combination you can read it over and over.

The Hobbit was so successful when it was published that Tolkien was encouraged to write a sequel which became his masterpiece:  Lord of the Rings.  I love Lord of the Rings, but I haven’t read it 15 times.  I think it is because there is a charm in the Hobbit that is not matched in the sequel.  So if you haven’t read Lord of the Rings yet, read the Hobbit first.  And if you have, read the Hobbit anyways.




We wish you good luck at your competition Hillcrest Hurricanes!





Come at morning recesses on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the horse shoe in the north yard while our supplies last .Grade’s 4-6 only.  We offer tattoos from stencils and freehand tattoos. You can order a unique stencil if you go to Micaela, Xavier, Mary, Arielle, Rani, Daniel or Shania in rm.213.

All of our tattoos are free. We use special tattoo pens in the colours red, green, blue and black, and soon brown.


Brought to you by MAX:




Rani, Daniel, Mary, Shania, &Claire



Birth Signs

 By: Toni and Fiona (Grade 4)


 March 21- April 19



May 21-June 21



 July 23-August 22


 September 23-October 22

 November 22-December 21

 January 20-February 18 


How many times can you find the word "swimming"?

By: Elyssa and Leda (Grade 6) 

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The Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas

 The Bahamas

By: Imran (Grade 6)

The Bahamas is a great place to visit! Located in the Caribbean, the Bahamas are just a three hour flight from Toronto. Once you arrive, you can stay on one of the many islands. In Nassau, the capital, you can enjoy a view of the ocean from any one of the many hotels or resorts located along the shore. Connected to Nassau is Paradise Island, where many hotels and resorts are located, including the famous Atlantis Resort. Your concierge will be able to schedule any number of day trips, which range from swimming with dolphins to harbour tours. Though the Bahamas are a popular winter getaway, many resorts are offering deals in the summer months when the number of visitors decline. I highly recommend the Bahamas for a fantastic family getaway!


      So, have you ever wondered what the EQAO test is going to be like? I’ll tell you: It’ll be terrible! Absolutely awful. You’ll dread it for years!

      So the whole “birdsong spring” isn’t exactly how you expected it, Grade sixes. In fact, I believe I should say it isn’t in my opinion, but I just like traumatizing you.  Ah, it feels great to rid the world of soppy sweetness. I have now deposited evilism into the world! Oh, speaking of which; I shall now tell you the wonderful story of evilism. *Ahem*.

       “Evilism” is a word I made up. Clever, eh? I think it is. The idea hit me as I was thinking how utterly evil I was. I was looking out the window remembering all those glorious moments of evil. Then, as I was mulling over how I would take over the world and rename everything something evil under the name of Tiny, I decided to start out by making up words…just so I could have a feeling of power to start with before I took power on everything. The first would entirely represent evil, and, of course, me. So there you go readers of my fabbity fab fab evilism (and the word darnage), the history of a world of greatness.

I’m sorry to cut short this…err…pleasant article. I must go. See you in the next newspaper! Tiny, Grade 6. (P.S. she is also in possession of genuine evilism badges and awards. You don’t want a prank played on you by her. Trust me.)


Reid's Fuzzy Monster "Bo" 



Hillcrest Hurricanes

By: Claire (Grade 5)

     Strong, confident, proud and ready to succeed, yes you guessed it I’m talking about the Hillcrest Hurricanes!

     Our schools great completive gymnastics team! With the competition next week you can’t imagine the effort that is being put in to there practices. There excellent coaches Paula, Bessie, Helen, Allie and Emily work very hard to make sure they try there best and always succeed. After interviewing a hurricane he said he has overcome lots of fears such as his front tuck which is a type of flip, that now he is a master at. Before I joined the Hillcrest Hurricanes I could barley do a cartwheel and now it is just second nature to, said another hurricane!  Here a couple more thoughts from the hurricanes

-         I love gymnastics especially the beam!

-         When I start gymnastics I feel nervous but when I get into it I feel good and wonderful because I know I will succeed!

-         I like the idea of having competitions with other community centers in the neighborhood!

-         They really make sure you are safe but also make sure you try your scared of!






 The Lightning Thief Book Review

 By: Larry (Grade 6)

     Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Lightning Thief is a great book. It is about a boy named Percy Jackson. Percy is a twelve year old boy who goes to a regular boarding school in the US. He gets bullied a lot and gets mostly F’s on his report card. You may not think that this boy is going to be much use in anything until he goes to a place called Camp Half-Blood. Camp Half Blood is a place where kids half human and half gods go, but once “Percy got there he found out that he was not just the son of any god. He was the son of the Greek god of sea Poseidon. Once everybody at the camp knows about Percy’s true identity, Percy is sent on a quest so important, that if he fails there will be a war greater then ever between the Greek gods.

     The Lightning Thief is a fantastic book. It is written by Rick Riordan. The genre of this book is action/fantasy. The Lightning Thief was released on July 25 2005, and it has sold 1.2 million copies. This book has 374 pages. It is the first book of the Percy Jackson series.

     I found this book to be quite funny especially at the beginning. After you read about half the half the book you will be extremely hooked on, and you will not want to put the book down until you finish reading the very last page. This book has a lot of action in it with a lot of scary monsters. If you  like ancient Greek mythology than you will definitely love this book because this book is all about ancient Greek things. There is nothing bad I can really say about this book because I really liked it. I would give this book a 9 out of 10.


 April 20-May 20

June 22-July 22



 August 23-September 22


 October 23-November 21



 December 22-January 19



 February 19-March 20 

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