Welcome to the Hillcrest student newspaper.  We are excited to continue with the 3rd year of the Hillcrest News!  The newspaper club meets once a week, and includes students in Grades 5 and 6.  Our student photographers and reporters write about articles from current events to cool crafts to book reviews.  Each monthly issue contains articles about sports teams, school events, school clubs, and more.

The direct website for Hillcrest News can be accessed through www.hillcrestnews.yolasite.com  Please save it to your "favourites" folder.  We have added a link to the "Back Issues" to view previous issues and printable versions.  


Newspaper Club Members 


Grade 6Fiona, Barbara, Theadora, Kyrstyn, Hayley, Charlotte, Eleanor, Tatiana, Caitin, Juliet, Fiona, Samanta, Karina,

Grade 5: Kielan, Emily K., Emma, Natalie, Chloe, Emily D.

Teacher: Mrs. Lee


 Drawing by Barbara




Hillcrest School

Fall Leaves





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